What would be?

What would be?

His crown feels like the biggest headache he has ever felt. 
His robe feels like chains, pinning him to his title. 
And his heart has never felt heavier.

He looks for a ray of light.
He looks for a sparkle of hope. 
He is the moon and is looking for his sun.

The moon can't exist without the sun and he knows it.
He knows he will drown in that darkness.
If she wouldn't be there.

His sunlight. 
Golden like the brightest sunrise.
Eyes attentive, body language affectionate.

Her smile could light up the underworld.
Her voice could put the scariest monster to sleep.
Her touch could calm down a raging bear. 

She is his hold.
She is his steadiness.
She is what he needs to stay above the water. 

So what would be?
What would be if she would be gone?
What would be if she decided to leave? 
What would be?

There wouldn't be any light.
There wouldn't be any easiness. 
There would be just chaos. 

So let me ask you one thing,
what would be a king,
with everything in between
without his glorious, loving, queen?


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